Aging Gracefully

Aging Gracefully Pages 151 to 170
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Can bills make you age prematurely?


Knock Knock …

“Who is it?”

“Electric Company”…

“Oh shit…”

“Hey dude, you want to pay your electric bill or will I have to cut it?” says the man on the door.

“How much do I have to pay you to keep my lights on?”

“$17,872.98 and has to be paid in cash, now, no checks, no IOU’s”

“I don’t have that much with me, can you come back later?”

“Like my job is to believe you, dude, my job is to collect or cut service”

“I wish I had the money with me, but I will go later to the bank and have it ready, if you can come back”

“Yup, ok man, you have the 3 minutes to shut down your computers and air conditioners, if you have any. That’s the time it takes for me to walk to the meter and cut your service. If you have any computers they can get fucked by an improper electric shutdown”, you know what can happen to them?”

“No, no, don’t! Please don’t cut the service yet! I have to finish a job I must finish to get paid today!”

“Like I said, it’s ok if you can finish what you have to do before I get to the meter; time’s on you now”.

Clump clump clump clump… clack clickity clack.. rrraggg. Clash!

“All done!” says the man from the electric company.

He then adds: “hey mister, I didn’t intended to make you sad…

”He then continued: ”Stop it man; I can’t see people crying”

“Adults are not supposed to cry…”

Then he confesses: “I cry at times too. Much so often…”

Then he says again:

”Go and wash yourself up and have some orange juice, it’s good for depression”.

He then left.

Then all I could do was to watch his service truck leaving me in total darkness.


Then my mind (the three parts in unison) in one of those very rare times, took possession of my body and I heard myself saying really loud:

“My computer!” “Oh shit! 

This guy shut it down with no warning at all.

(Did he?)

I forgot to save the last edit of my latest book on 

Effective Problems Solving…

Methods and Solutions.

What was I going to write about that topic?

Oh, now I forgot….

This stupid stress is killing me.

 What is the point of this book?

The point is that to better be able to solve the many tasks our day-to-day life demands, we better lower the amount of BRAIN RAM data to be processed at any one time. 

To accomplish this “feat”:

(It will always talk about me, not you; don’t worry)

I must learn my thinking limits and virtues.


Very few people accomplish these things in life.

Only 5% succeed in life.

Like ants, 95% survive and wonder about the other sides.

Climbing the success ladder is still a mysterious game worth playing it while we can.

There might be no rules, but definitely there are limits in virtues and potentials.

Trying to exceed the design and power potentials of the mind only brings the equivalent

of running a car with the brakes on. 

But, by lowering efforts then the required efforts to evolve into better specie will be hasten, no?

Like for example; pigeons learned to fly because they tried so hard to escape from predators over a long period of time in history of specie developments.

That is so true for the mass of pigeons around in those times. The same applies for humans in the present time. Not all of us will apply “different” procedures meanwhile we evolve in this great creational evolution pool.

But I will. I am a lone pigeon. I am free to a certain extent.

As a matter of fact, I am so intellectually free to better know enough to apply present days concepts and ideas that could bring short and long term goals while I am still in this planet. By the time I am back in here thousands of other times (as a specie) and evolve into a flying or static monster brain of the future, at least I will be able to perform my otherwise “impossible” tasks expected by my elders and superiors in this present of power, social, and religious assignments.

As a matter of fact, I have a responsibility to face my

day-to-day expectancies or I risk to be declared disabled.


I don’t know about you…

Maybe you can fix the world on your own.

But if you have tried and it did not work as expected …

Then this is how it has worked for me already:

Most people cannot retain over 7 things at the same time in their coconuts.

Most humans still can’t recite the Proverbs by memory..

Jesus told us to better disregard all rules and just remember two things in order to compensate for the lack of papaya in some sinners.

One: Love God

Two: Love your neighbor as yourself.

(Simplified Physics Cause and Effect 101)

If I can’t remember those two things then I am ready for electroshocks.

(I must admit I am too busy sometimes to practice this).

As I was writing this chapter on rules, I ran out of my favorite drink, Pepsi-Cola and decided it was still early and safe to walk to the store and get me a two-liter.

At the same time I was not letting go of my central idea on the ending of this book on how not to break rules and the 21,550 laws of the Florida State, Silly lawmakers? Nop! Silly voters like me. They are doing what they were elected to do; its silly voters like me that help make a silly laws book with hundreds of new laws coming into our daily life every month like if we could remember them all at the same time, I decided to walk to the store and meditate while walking about a real glorious ending for this production..

Silly lawmakers? Nop! … Silly voters like me.


Automatically, like possessed by some spirit, I kept repeating this for some minutes, as If I wanted to sink those words in permanent memory for future use.

Who in the world can get out of bed in the morning and be sure not to break a single law during the next 24 hours? And to further complicate things the American Justice System says: “Ignorance is not a reason to break the law”.


The following is a sample dump of garbage data taken out of a professional composer’s front line mind modules  (RAM) while on the process of finding good words to write for a glorious ending (from permanent memory) and thinking about going out to buy drinks, all at the same time, pushing on the limits of my scarce temporary brain powers which by the way, was almost at full capacity and in bad need of a flush by sleep or rest…

Runtime Mental Data Dump Sample:

“… Maybe then it is easier to follow JUST two rules that seem to cover all the thousands of rules, laws, and regulations, but no, we have to insist in doing it our ways…” “Of course, of course, reducing the file size for the front line memory is the answer to be able to process any problem anytime, anywhere… wow! “…”Running out of Pepsi, let me go to the store, what time is it now? 6pm? Ok I’ll go now, “Leave the computer on and ready for when I come back” I got what I was looking for all my life… “Thank you mind.” “Thank you God. “Cold soda” Go now”” Let’ see… this bunch of e-mail, It’s all Spam, I’ll dump it now” no, better when I come back and I have a chance to read it all in case a friend is there. “ ”Ok, now, Go!”


”I need a drink of soda” “It’s getting late”…”Where is my dog?” “He’ll follow me to the store like last week”. “ ‘Got to lock the house now” Twenty five thousand laws… wow”. “Should I take my car to the store?” “Nah… It’s a long drive to go out the border the neighborhood and I just have to cut through the woods to get to the store” “I’ll meditate meanwhile I walk “ “This is a beautiful park” (I told myself) If I hadn’t been multitasking so intensively before, I could have noticed I was not in a park, but in the hoodlums of a small town, in Florida, in the back of the train tracks, a section I had to cross to go to the store.

Well the following is what finally happened today while still glazed minded by trying to multitask over my limits.

“RAM Mind data dump continues…”

“Nice Spring day not cold not hot and with a light fresh breeze it was all I needed to feel good as a free flying angel. God is a good God, I thought. Look at all this beauty. The birds, the squirrels, the wind, ahhhhh….”

I looked at both sides, saw no train coming, and crossed the train tracks and the store was almost right in front of me across the street.

“Cold Pepsi, please, a two liter”

“Here you go, $1.60 plus tax, anything else?”

“Thank you, that will be all by now.”

“Bye, bye now”

“Have a good day”

“It’s a pretty day isn’t it?”

“Yes it is, very pretty”…

And I left…

Looked at both sides, no cars coming, I crossed the street and down my way home I came almost feeling the sweet and briskly flavor of my cold Pepsi.


Got to the train tracks, looked at both sides, crossed the tracks and by the time I was already in the yard of the Church at the other side, a white pick up truck rushed out of nowhere alongside the train tracks but I pretended I hadn’t see anything, just in case of the worst and a voice came out saying to me, I guess:

”Hey buddy”

“I slowly stop and pretend I don’t see no one around as yet.”

“Turn over really slow and come here”, the voice commands.

“You have just trespassed the railways and I have to keep you under arrest until we find out what to do with you”, he continued saying while moving his hand close to his gun.

For a reason I still can’t figure out, an instant front memory flush occurred and my mind went into a sudden new and usable clean module state ready to process any new incoming data relevant to what was going on now.

In other words I got almost immobile and obedient as probable trained since many years ago by my mom or by other authoritative persons.

After I rendered my stupid looking and embarrassed face, gave that gray uniformed policeman all kinds of data and identifications, that husky, tired, and wide eyed railways policeman, gave me a warning document, and told me he was not going to let me free until I promised him I would never cross the tracks again in my entire life or I would be arrested and fined $1,200.00, plus put in probation for 18 months, or put in jail for one and a half years. I promised all he asked me to promise as solemn as in a bad wedding “yes, I do”. I then slowly resumed my eventful trip and hid in the deepest most enclaves of my home until I felt enough desires to come back to the computer and finish my book project on how to cope with the mind, age, and related topics. Here I am now, again at the computer, five hours later, asking my RAM to scan into my permanent memory and find the exact words to finish my book. Again, that bitch wants to stay silent… I ask my spirit now and it tells me to just say: Good Luck. God Bless.



You have tools.

Use them all now!


Don’t ever say you can’t do it.

You ain’t going to do it anyway; 

Your mind will.


Upsss, I’m wrong again


It’s your spirit who will do anything he, she, it wants to do with its own body.


All efforts to override the spirit will only render temporary results, sadness, depression,

anxiety and desolation of the “self”.








There is no need to repeat myself just to be able to end a book.





This book has no ending anyway.


Crime starts when the disadvantaged is not helped enough…

The complete desolation felt by the poor, disadvantaged and disabled people of our community is expressed in the ever-increasing waves of crime, murders, boredom, prostitution, drug and alcohol addiction, homelessness, family destruction, separation from society, and abandonment by all documented in our newspapers and most historic documents. We have made crime to sustain and perpetuate by not giving enough help to those lower forms of life that comprise the weak, the sick, and the poor. All that vast group needs is to meet the minimum cost of life at their place of residence in order to stop selling their medicines or food stamp benefits to pay whatever we request them to pay back to us with no mercy at all. In no decent mind will $600.00 a month cover the cost of life in Florida, USA, where at least $2,500.00 a month will only cover for the basics of a sub-normal life, no savings, no great entertainment either.

Selling drugs, stealing, cheating the system, prostitution, and character depravation, is the forced norm according to the latest global reports on the topic of poverty, until those poor souls (Read: Voters) are helped as any good “father of a nation” would help its own children.

Well, those poor devils, as they are called by the system when incarcerated and punished for the crime of survival at any cost, happen to be the ones that gave their best years to build this great nation of The United States of America. Should there be a political candidate willing to help this social disaster, he, she, or it, could count with over 50 million votes. Let’s hope one day America has a president its own people can trust during their worst times in life.

Remember to love thy neighbor as you love yourself…

This is what Aging Gracefully is all about.

This is America.  

The example of justice, freedom, and civil rights for the world. 

Let it be true one day… In God We Trust….  


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