RAM can do this only
by time-sharing the very linear string to be processed by the single CPC computer.
One microsecond of processing
for each different song is all that’s needed to fool a slow mental receiver like the carbon based homosapiens sylvestris
(Read: me)
A computer can accomplish
this and I have tested it many times to the horror of my listening senses.
The human mind cannot
force the required body parts to whistle 3 songs at the same time but dedicated musical composers can “hear” more
than 4 different harmony parts in “some” innermost sections of the brain. I have the feeling “all”
data is kept everywhere in the brain and retrieved by electro-chemical scans at query time by either Ego, Super Ego or It
No crack, no alcohol
for the musicians or other chosen creatures.
Some I know and have
played with might even strongly swear they could play 900 songs at the same time if given their required type of inspirational
(Circa Genesis to Apocalypses).
Although a simple linear expression of any binary process will almost always be smoothly resolved to thedelight of the accomplishing performer(s) and audience(s)
(If any)...
Our brain has already the Digital
to Analog converters and embedded code necessary to capture analog shit. No need to buy additional hardware to use our brains
and enjoy multimedia.
The Universe is Analog. Real life
is Analog. The best recording machines are still analog. Big budget films are always filmed in analog .35mm monster cameras.
Sound is heard as Analog waves of
Video is also captured as analog
(WYSIWYG) and converted to bits of data once inside our papaya or coconut. Electro-chemo shit burns this data into our coconut
meat and that, dude, is called memory.
God don’t have to make new
laws or privileges every time we pray for something different. Those laws were made even before this creational evolution
we perceive today as our rotten way of life. We think He did changed things our way when we get what we asked for and thank
Him for that. But in reality, we just use whatever principles He had already said we should use since ages ago. I still don’t
get why I don’t use them principles every day. I am so forgetful.
Employing strong and authoritative
voices during prayer is not screaming at God, but helping to memorize the event, so our mental RAM can keep “working”
at the request and gravitating towards the accomplishment of the query, allowing us to multitask in other equally important
things, like going to the movies or purchasing that nice car we always wanted.
Women learn very early the good effects
of strong and authoritative voices. Remembrances from their fathers, I guess.
They “teach” their husbands
and kids what they don’t have to do and what they should do according to the mother’s perception of reality.
(No punitive damage intended for
But…I usually let garbage come
in and out of my brain at full pleasure… most of the time. I still don’t know why.
It seems to be my nature.
It is not my permanent memory that
sucks! It is MY RAM, dude. That piece of body equipment so needed to think in real time. That needs daily tune-ups and regular
maintenance or I end up day by day back in the pity pot,
Visiting Madame Voodoo or just complaining
about myself as I am doing now.
Early in the morning, better at wake
up time, when RAM (remember, conscious) still feels “dormant” and fucked up, let’s try to “write”
into it actually by saying a verbal command and repeating it ‘till it “sinks in”, by simple logic:
Afterwards we repeat during the whole
day the edited version of the same request:
“Today, I am guided in
advance in all things I must do…
Well before I do anything…”
Depending on how badly we need to
remember things we shall keep repeating this mental RAM command for as long as it is needed – in my case, the rest of
my life.
Let’s remember that RAM = Conscious
It operates by dynamical brute force.
Our Sub Coconut is more sublime and
It automates all happenings and doings
about us.
This sub coconut stops, and we vegetate
and get fucked up.
Simple thought allows us to doublethink
before we do.
It also constantly double checks
Daily To-Do List
RAM is volatile (thanks God) and
everything in there “seems to evaporate” (thanks God again) from memory when it is shut down for rest and maintenance.
This might be Nature’s own way of cleaning up our memory systems. With a clogged RAM like mine (trying to think in more
than 20 things at the same time) we start to think (process data) the same way a computer processes a DoS (denial of service)
attack where a hacker saturates the victim’s computer with an excessive overflow of any kind of data in order to “kill”
that computer.
“Resist it and it shall flee
from you”, say the Great Books and the Internet Operational Manuals. A Denial of Service Attack only last for as long
as the hacker doesn’t get bored, tired, or with needs to go to the bathroom. Sometimes it will keep going until the
person paying the hacker to do the attack does not want or cannot afford to pay for more computer time.
Life it’s all about cost.
Assuming we want to compare our “conscious”
memory to a computer’s RAM, taking our RAM offline for a while should do the trick. Take a couple of drinks, not crack,
to set the stage, take a nap and you will not remember shit of what you had to do before. Pass the key.
Our pre-historic parents (circa 1980’s)
used to recommend eight hours of good sleep to put the RAM to rest.
Some recommended warm milk, some
used some Rum and Coke, some more creative people used sex, and some even resorted to read a boring book until falling asleep.
None of that works for me.
I must be intellectually and physically
tired in order to fall sleep; otherwise I start to move around until I end up in the kitchen for snacks and goodies. Assuming
all goes well, my RAM actually refreshes itself with quality sleep and rest. Sometimes it gets funky (my RAM) and starts to
blink out garbled data as in dreams, nightmares or else. Sometimes the impulses remain so strong that I will remember part
or all at wake up time, scaring the living hell out of me.
I must usually force myself to overwrite
a misbehaving RAM with “other” “powerful thoughts”. One thing I know: if I stay long enough in bed,
RAM erases completely even if it takes a whole week or two.
Isn’t that the only reason
for people to take vacations? Yup.
A clean mind is a good thing to have.
Only the permanent subconscious memory
stays on all the time.
RAM comes and goes, like a bitch.
the permanent memory system
Subconscious or Brain hard Drive
to stay “ON” all the time.
When RAM flushes out data during
sleep or rest, it is still possible to dream with a song or a movie or real life events and “replay it” from start
to end thanks to a different system of keeping permanent data (memories).
From a musician point of view, any
thought process must be transferred first to RAM memory
(actually its only a copy of the
Much different than computers the
permanent brain does not overwrite data with new one.
Once in the lower floor, memories
keep surfacing into the upper floor like a clogged toilet in reverse.
This way we can keep many different
versions of the same data. I can play My Way on the piano either as a Ballad, a Rocking Waltz, A dazzling Salsa or a cascading
But I can “mentally visualize”
only one or two or even three different versions of the same song at a time.
I still have to search the entire
coconut for the other versions. After I try to maintain a maximum of 7 to 10 different ideas of the songs, my performance
starts to degrade. My RAM produces less and less available data and commands to the hands to perform properly.
The audience then notices problem
and cast devilish speeches at the performer.
Immediately I have to make use of
whatever discipline I had learned before and quit thinking on alternative versions to do the same thing. I must concentrate
by brute force into playing what I have to play and no more for a while or the entire congregational will dam me for sure.
Don’t say no, I’ve played
enough of those concerts to know what I’m saying.
After I command my hard drives to
open the files to a song, any song, I can start playing it safely if I have rehearsed before until the whole thing sounds
good and clear. I know that the complete song will be scanned from the subconscious and the complete version will go to RAM
(conscious mind) where I then must hope and pray it stays there long enough for me to perform it from start to end.
WordPerfect, dude, just like a presidential
speech is done.
It doesn’t matter now if the
content should be changed or improved. It’s too late now if the congregation is waiting for you. Your time to rehearse
is gone with the wind.
Just play the fucking thing well
until you hear applause.
Bloopers happen to any unprepared
Shit happens if the audience notices
the blooper.
Musicians must always discipline
themselves to shut down all thought processes besides the intended performance. Preparation and disciple are very important.
Concentration and honest trust in
RAM is the most important thing in acting, such as in music or in denouncing weapons of mass destruction to the world.
Fiesta usually follows accomplishment.
Grinding of teeth usually follows
mental indiscipline in music.
Same things happen at NASA, I guess.
Trust, discipline and maintenance
can avoid the call that says: Houston… we got a problem…
Musicians cannot afford to reach
that point during a performance. Death is possible for both, but usually cometh shittier to musicians.
To Summarize a bit:
It is easier for RAM
to process a single stream of data
(maybe two or three at
than to have to continuously
search the entire coconut
and separate (differentiate)
between millions of unrelated
data bits from the real
thing at runtime using the limited time and space allotted for that stream be it the newest greatest invention, the latest
Metal Rock Rap Mix
or simply to mentally
figure out the many dance steps
Computer viruses are written code
commanding a machine to do things the owner did not approve of in the first place. Mental flashbacks seem to be more or less
the same thing. Code received via the sensory system embedded in permanent memory will not be removed by simple means or treatment.
Dynamic electro-shocks were used
to “try to erase” the coconut. Results were varied. The electric chair could do a better job. Maybe 40 gallons
of Puerto Rican Rum 151% can chemically dissolve some brain data like it did in my brain some time ago. Code designed to “auto
start” from both memory systems at the same time is also noticed at flashbacks times. This “code” can be
either self generated or externally imposed. Most probably, “Bad Code” entered with or without our consent or
knowledge and went to reside in the brain like any standard resident program would do in a selected computer. Bad Mental Code
can be externally “pushed” by either a professional “enchanter” (read witch doctor) or by an authoritative
person “important” to us from our personal perspective of what a decent person is or should be like.
Let’s remember that our perception
of reality is not necessarily reality per se but can also be just plain old and stupid thoughts, dude.
What is Real? What is the Truth?
Anything you perceive as real will be real to you. Try a pretty tiny bikini wearing cutie, then the ugliest bitch in town.
Both are real. Try now the same cutie all dressed up and think she is wearing a tiny bikini.
That is not real. It could be, but
is not.
Now think you present the ugliest
bitch to me and she goes out with me… that is not real and is a total lie and (I wish) it could never be real, just
in case you get smart ass with me.
It can also get into
the permanent memory by sheer constant repetition, the same thing we do to learn a new song until it “sinks” in;
later causing great stress, “guilty feelings” and anxiety to those affected by the virus like infection of the
permanent memory.
Guilt permanently recorded in the papaya brings many bad
things, including recurrent sadness, depression, anxiety, and all things we like to erase with alcohol, sex, or drugs.
It is also bio-chemically
hardwired in a separate memory compartment
within the same RAM module
If the “sender” is good at hacking human minds..
Our unrelated programs
is not well evolved as
yet as compared to computers.
For me to forgive myself,
takes a great deal of mental organization, radical changes, and still…
Knowing that a stone weights 5,000
pounds doesn’t help much by itself. Knowing that a problem is too hard for us to solve is not usable data either.
Usable data is knowledge or a feeling
that what we need to be done is doable.
(By the way, feelings are our own
spirit’s knowledge, ok?)
Such is the case for a music composer.
We work by “faith”, the
substance of the unseen.
But we also have training and discipline
to support our feelings and inspirations.
If you lack them (faith and training),
go back to school and prepare yourself better in the field where you want to highlight your dreams. Dropouts are intelligent
At least I was (sort of). I left
school, then retrained, then forgot it all, and now I write about the whole thing.
Lack of training is sometimes the
main cause of unnecessary failure and stress from an otherwise good idea, design, or project.
If you have what it takes to complete
all your ideas, then go ahead a skip the previous line.
Once we prepare and discipline like
a wiz, the world is ahead for the taking.
Dissatisfaction is the first step
into great discoveries and changes. Without feeling dissatisfied there is no need to change, to grow or to make advances in
life or thereafter.
Now going back to the subject of
dealing with dreams and projects, we must weight what we must lift before we drop our eyeballs by pushing our bodies and mind
beyond limits.
By weighting first what we must lift
I mean figuring out “every aspect” of the “thing” involved.
And what this means is being able
to either put it in writing or having someone else do it for you.
It doesn’t matter if we want
to plan ahead to start a mixed vegetables garden, a pretty flowers nursery or a giant boulder lifting enterprise without effective
and through planning we only head into disappointment or failure.
I’ll take the giant boulder
as an example first, just because I happen to have one boulder near my house and it bothers me to look at it all the time
and it makes me think that the boulder is saying to itself, I’m so heavy that no one can remove me from here.
I can take on those kinds of challenges
just to motivate myself to the limits.
The merits of any project might have
value only on the designer’s mind until it is shared for opinions with people around you. Only those who will really
make use of it will help to establish or reinforce the need for such a project.
A man once designed and built a magnificent
mall with indoor gardens and parking space for thousands of vehicles. He only forgot to ask if that mall was needed in his
neighborhood of 900 residents and five other malls already in service and having financial nightmares caused by a series of
guerrilla types of chaotic competition in prices and services to attract their very scarce amount of customers.
That man had a good and noble cause.
That man also had a bankruptcy case.
What was it we wanted to lift?
Ahhhhh, the boulder, ok.
We “weighted” the boulder
by measuring its volume by wrapping a measuring tape around its biggest diameter and multiplying the established atomic weight
of its molecular components by the mass volume. Molecular components were established by sending a sample of the boulder cortex
to a chemistry professor of a nearby University.
Is there a simple way to do the same
We must also have a device available
to lift it.
That boulder-lifting device must
be capable of lifting the total weight of the stone plus a reasonable extra capacity to be considered a safety factor against
breakage of any of the device’s parts or failure to meet expectancies.
We now know that our brains contain
some temporary memory modules capable of processing entire files while separating the other millions of data streams from
“other” memory recordings all over the brain’s base and cortex mass.
We have a powerful coconut.
Our brain is as powerful as we can
use it.
Maybe even more power is available
in our brains as additional natural safety factors to be used for processing larger files (memories) or emergencies.
Memory ‘files” can reside
anywhere in our brain.
They “enter” the brain
through the sensory systems or by the dynamic push of active thinking.
(Read: prayer or forced repetition)
Once recorded (chemical burn), data
bits remain forever in selected places in our brain mass. Some instincts are also recorded there and always available to brain
RAM 24/7/365 or we could perish or affect the perpetuation of the carbon based funky-homo-sapiens specie.
Super fast electro-chemical reactions
find their way through our biological wiring systems resembling a complex network of networks (sound familiar? (The Internet,
of course).
Those random bits of memory are found
at query time by scanning the whole brain and checking the applicability of the findings. Much like a computer’s keyboard,
mouse and hard drive seem to operate.
All necessary data (the complete
file) is sent then to the temporary (RAM) conscious mind where at the speed of God knows what it gets processed into whatever
the need of the thinker.
seems to be the reason to send the complete file to RAM for real time processing. Maybe by having all related data available
in one place and ready to stream, further processing becomes simpler and faster. Stream ready data (complete file) is at least
more useable and understandable to the CPU.
Please don’t ask me today what
part of the brain compares to the CPU of a computer. Maybe some day I will find out and edit a future volume on this. I have
the very strong suspicion that RAM itself is the mental CPU but I have no proof of that. Maybe mental bits of data are sent
to CPU/RAM and that is why we can think so fast, sometimes. There are so many automatic systems in the human body that it
would take me the same amount of time it takes to train a medical student into a qualified doctor in neurology to do research
in this field of memory systems. But for the anatomy buffs I could include the auto blood mixing, breathing monitors, sugar
and salt regulators, toxic waste removing systems and associated filters to sectors in the permanent memory constantly connected
to sectors in brain RAM. There are also separate simpatico and para-simpatico systems (Applied Anatomy 101) that seem to auto
regulate the human body functions. Having fun yet?
It may be that the human CPU is not
built into a simple chip, but rather into a complex and marvelous system of systems.
No reason to be surprised, we are
children of a God King, so let’s just understand it and go ahead.
Our mind is a darling piece of cosmic
engineering rather too much understated and undervalued by an already advanced civilization like ours.
It is a miracle by itself that we
can think in multiple things at the same time. In the computer world this is known as having multitasking capabilities. We
can also multi-thread.
Human beings start to multitask right
at the moment of conception. We only stop at the limits when we are flagged by pain, confusion, slow thinking ability or by
a mental breakdown.
Improper multitasking has caused
great accidents, the loss of a war, the loss of a loved one, the loss of a business, or all combined to make a hell of a day
for anyone like me.
Multitasking also allows us to write
marvelous pieces of different harmonies for a beautiful song.
Multitasking also allows your wife
to think she is making love to Ricky Martin when you arrive drunk or angry from work and force her to make love instead of
making diner.
Better to have a hot coffee until
you all feel ready for the magic experience and multiple oceanic displacements when love giving, lovemaking, and final teeth
The same way RAM is “flushed”
(emptied) away when the computer is turned off, the Brain RAM also empties and cleanses itself during periods of mental “disconnection”.
This is accomplished either by sleep,
rest, sex, anesthetics, alcohol, drugs, or entertainment or for a total chaos, all at the same time. Weeeeeeee!
The legality of the method to be used must be assumed by the doer.
What makes our body to keep running
smoothly while “disconnected” from RAM while asleep, unconscious, or at rest, etc.?
The human body has an automatic switching
system and activates different memory devices at will…
Rest allows the brain’s RAM
to flush data bits and cool down for a while. We all need time to rest and sleep.
Some people need eight consecutive
hours of decent sleep, no nightmares, while others will rest with only 7, 6, 5,or even 4 hours of deep snoring like my Rothweiler.
There are different levels of sleep
The Alpha Level is when we close
our eyes and sink into a light and very fragile resting act. We are trying to go to sleep but our animal instincts still are
alert for that bad dinosaur that likes to eat suckers that go to sleep too early.
Beta Level happens when we sink deeper
into our own system starting to disconnect still vibrant circuits from reality (or from what we perceive as reality).
(When RAM makes sure the bad dinosaur
has really gone home for the night or finally throws the towel and says: fuck it let the bird eat me.)
Delta shit happens and we are flying
out the window like Peter Pan and visiting distant places inside our permanent memory’s recorded environments and situations.
Echo is not an official level name
for sleep but I induce myself into a sort of this stage when I go to sleep drunk or medicated. If you visit some psychiatric
institutions you will see many echo level patients walking around and making funny acts basically for your (and their) entertainment.
Foxtrot Level might not exist either
but I can think of it as when I am just about to wake up and move around briskly. … It sucks trying to find the alarm
ring snooze button before it starts making all that noise I hate every morning. But definitely between the Alpha and the Omega
there are inner world dimensions still to be explored and exploited by the brave and wise.
Easy to fuck with and I can always return to safe levels
by telling my mind to do so
(if I’m sober).
If we have such powers, then why don’t we use them
to enter into whatever shit happens in life and come out safely?
Well, dude… I do use those powers.
Especially while in the bathroom, with warm water and
my rubber ducky. Or at work if the boss left for the day, then I could go Alpha, Baker, Charlie, Dog, right in my desk.
I use those powers and tools in order to be able to compose
music, to play long jazz passages in the piano, to be able to write a poem, and I happen to be using them right now trying
to finish this book, so you can get it faster, before I fall asleep again.
Try them… might work for you as well.
Just keep an eye on your boss, forget the dinosaurs.
How long does it takes to make a miracle?
The same amount of time that takes for a rose to bloom…
Some times faster, sometimes slower, sometimes never.
Sometimes what we want never happens but trying it’s
worth the try especially if anything would be better than not doing what needs to be done.
I will wake up and thank God for the new day and will
also pray that I will be guided towards the accomplishment of my intended goal to fix the three pending problems I have.
But… each problem has a multitude of tasks within.
The first thing I will do is to visualize
the first problem from start to finish. Remember the musician’s adage:
“If I can’t whistle it
from start to finish, then I can’t play it” (at least perfectly). It can be rehearsed, learned, practiced, but
not played, as it should.
We can “think” a song
or poem from start to finish and play it, but taking the chance that RAM will bring along its own harmony sequence. And the
human being harmony is guttural as a dog’s snore per se. It must be educated first on each and every new song a musician
chooses to play or fiddle with. I used to be able to play 3,500 songs by memory. I forgot the titles of most of them. But
I am pretty sure I can still play them if I had to. One by one, each of those songs had to be learned, memorized, practiced
over and over until they came out wordperfect and only then, dared I to play them in any public place. For many years I still
wondered during each performance if I was doing the whole thing right or not. I did the same in aviation.
We want to fix this first problem
so it becomes a perfect fix. Otherwise that problem will hang around for a long, long time impeding other RAM space available
to fix every day’s incoming flow of shit that seems to come and happen out of nowhere. Like if Pandora had forgotten
to close her fucking box of devilish surprises.
No video game can obscure
our mental desktop like Pandora’s box in real time.
If working five problems at a time is too much labor intensive for an aging mind
(who’s?) and takes so much concentration that a mental breakdown is on the horizon, then working one problem at a time
is recommended.
But how come people at NASA can manage
so many variables at the same time?
Have you ever heard such a thing
as teamwork?
But what happens if I don’t
have the budget to pay all those team members needed to accomplish our projects?
Then ask if they are interested in
becoming part of the design, production, sales, and profit makers’ team.
If none of those geniuses seems interested
in your project, consider the real benefits of your monster idea.
If you think that going to the Sun
at night will save the company rocket from melting away, then your project maybe needs a bit of revision into more realizable
If your project is really needed
by humanity, you shall find all kinds of help available by the simple method of asking and screening for qualified homosapiens
on the Yellow Pages or in the Internet…
If your project is not needed by
humanity, then consider it either a fraud or a scam and quit before it becomes too late.
Once you have analyzed your project
and find it useful and profitable, then all it takes is a matter of putting it in writing so others can understand your mind’s
ideas better.
Be careful at this point to protect
your intellectual property and do not show the weenie until its time to cook it.
Write all about the benefits and
use and avoid the how.
Any legitimate investor will first
try to steal your project by telling you to show all details before any investment.
Any illegitimate investor will be
faster than the legitimate.
With luck, if your project is really
profitable, the investor will both go for it and ask a part of the profits or will ask you to sell you entire project for
a price that can be negotiated by hired and competent business people on always your side, never on his side, of course.
The investor will ask his perception
of what he should make out of your idea (100%) and will drive you crazy until he feels he will lose money if you send him
to hell.
If the investor feels that he will
lose any money with you or feels that you are a fake, the he will drive you crazy by both, not investing and by conscious
delays in order to make you go away by yourself.
Remember the diplomatic doctor in
a previous chapter?
What people say is not always what
you want to hear.
No matter what they say you will
understand something different anyway because they don’t say what you need to understand in the first place.
This proves the point
that all in life is a drama.
I have been through this,
dude and its true as an eggshell.
All illegitimate investors
will ask the same things a legitimate investor would ask but at the end nothing will happen.
It is not always easy
to verify the legitimacy of an investor.
It is not always easy to verify the
legitimacy of any human at all. I have not been able to verify the legitimacy of my dogs’ ancestors, and some Bibles
have not been legitimized as yet, specially those that removed ancient books written by masters of the unknown just to have
less to explain to already confused congregations and avid readers of yesterdays happenings.
A true Bible is never
It would be a sin to
change something that existed even before the changer came into this rotten world.