Aging Gracefully


Aging Gracefully Pages 26 to 50
Aging Gracefully Pages 51 to 76
Aging Gracefully Pages 77 to 101
Aging Gracefully Pages 101 to 125
Aging Gracefully Pages 126 to 150
Aging Gracefully Pages 151 to 170
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Enter Aging Gracefully

Front Line Memory Aging
Gracefully For All Ages


This book contains explicit language and crazy views about getting old.

The Process of Aging Should Also Bring Fun And Wisdom by the Tons.
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Made by an Entertainer
For Entertainment Purposes

This Material Copyright©2005 by Julio E. Quiñones






Copyright Information

Aging Gracefully

©2005 by Julio E. Quiñones

First Edition

50,500 copies in CD Book
50,500 copies in Soft Cover

March 26, 2005

Printed in Titusville, USA 


The Family Estate Trust Fund of Julio Quiñones
700 Booker St., Titusville, Florida 32780

Registered in The Library of Congress of
The United States of America


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To Beverly Fayson, avid Internet component since the days of Arpanet Mainframes, retired from the DOD (US Department of Defense), computer operator, editor of documents and souls, who by believing in what I could do even before I could show any physical proof of what I had in mind to do, gave me the strength to endure the many weeks and months that took me to write this book. Many thanks to Beverly and Larry; great friends and neighbors. Together, Beverly and my Advanced Telecom Productions company, we envision the days of wireless communications and Internet Access for all in the Space Coast City of Titusville, Florida, USA, where we reside and do constant research in all matters of digital services.

To Jackeline, (Jackie) Cerón, my good friend and Marketing Specialist from the Dominican Republic who is actively translating this book to the Spanish language.

To Mrs. Torres, my 8th. Grade Spanish teacher in San Juan Puerto Rico, who valiantly took this student and made a thinker out of a bonehead. Once out of her class, I was destined to never be the same again.

Thanks to all my teachers of yonder years, they might be revolving in heaven watching me write about life now.

To Dr. Ramesh Mathur MD, Family Medicine Center in Titusville, Florida, USA, for telling me that I could make better use of my front line memory issues by writing about my experiences in aging gracefully and also about all my other fields of research because as he told me, consulting someone with direct experience will always be needed by all who want to save years of learning from their own trials and errors. As I always made more errors than trials I have decided to share with you in hopes you can make use of some of those experiences. He also told me that making a vegetables garden might help to relax my brains.

To Laura Zenteno, editor, poet, singer, music composer and Terminal Patient Nurse who dedicates her life to those in need or to those who already aged gracefully and who recently, very lovingly congratulated me, just because I managed to finish this book. I had given Laura some years ago, what now I share with you in here. She employed some of the principles written in this book, she did what she felt was best and everything worked to her complete happiness and total enjoyment of a new career, new house, new marriage with Hans, a magnificent person, musician, arranger, orchestrator and a flight attendant for a major airline; a totally new and beautiful life. I have to thank God for the many good friends who always give me support, love and good cooking. Life is always so great with good cooking around and friends to enjoy it.

To Diana Encarnación, who gave me much needed support, companionship, day-to-day friendship, and also good cooking (I love Diana’s cooking), while inspiring others like me, with a very brave and elegant long time disposition during her fight with Muscular Dystrophy. Diana’s very bright spontaneous dissertations and experience in Will Power and Instincts were of great help for me to better understand the causes and effects of such natural forces sometimes embedded in our complex systems while sometimes not enough. Also many thanks to Crystal and Raphet, Diana’s kids, who with enlightened spirits and happy laughs taught me that while still at early ages, they were also aging gracefully like me. They also taught me during many much needed breaks from work that if I shuffle my own deck of cards I have a better chance to get the right numbers to win. I promise to use that advice the rest of my life. God works in many mysterious ways.

To micro-biology doctorate Jordan and his beautiful companion Rachel, masters of the hardships of the human mind, for all the love, support, and encouragement during my most difficult moments.

To brilliant neurosurgeon Dr. Sharffman and his excellent bio-feedback medi-tech, masters the inner brain modules for allowing me to play with their sophisticated bio-feedback brain "feeling" machines while in serious search for myself.

To my Aviation Instructors, who persevered with this unorthodox musician until helping me to become (people don’t change, people become and becoming takes a miracle) a commercial, single and multi-engine pilot, an aviation writer (I wrote The private Pilot’s Handbook in Spanish (not a translation) and the Formula for Lost Pilots in both languages), an experimental aircraft designer and an avid navigator in all kinds of environments (except getting back home in my car).

To Angelo and Janet, who were the first ones to use this book while still in developmental computer manuscript form, to test what is expressed in here, to age gracefully, to compare their own growing up stages and to better use their Front Line Memories as their best resource of personal power in all kinds of family, community, and business endeavors. Also because they inspired me with friendship, prayers, and good cooking and for all that, I love them both.

To Ricardo and Alfredo, my great blue crabs fishermen, down to earth companions, and friends, Manuel, Pablo, Tony, Lion, and all those other great people who enjoyed calling me crazy but still helped me out in many ways during my escape from life in order to write this book. I gained a lot of experience in the vast fields of relationships, comprehension, understanding and love in the midst of turmoil.

Many thanks to all my students, all great examples of the greatness of humanity and from whom I learned more from them then they from me. My private, commercial and experimental aviation students, my computer students, my music students are all in my heart as I write today.

Thanks to those who came over to bring me cookies, sodas, coffee, company, and all sorts of things you bring when you really care for someone. I love cookies. And for that I am very grateful to all.

“May the Force Of Life” be with you all forever and ever, amen.




An Aviation

Pilot’s Poem

By Julio Quiñones


The highest I went was not close enough

When eagles don’t dare to climb where I must

My airplane ripped clouds of soft white popcorn

I felt proud up there; I was not alone.


No sight of a god was up there for me

No sightings or visions shall make up my needs

Then my mind told me if see God I must

Give water to someone, way down, down below.


I wondered if God had made space for me

His magic in motion, His verbs on free will,

I landed my airplane, and fell on my knees

My God lives down here... 

He lives inside me.



I then realized God is always thirsty and He lives inside people.

Well, actually, we live inside Him (It) and He lives everywhere, but maybe it is easier to figure things this way by now. I have never been a good dogmatic person. One thing I have learned through time and pain… It is not always easy and it may even be kind of impossible (I hate that word) or difficult (better now?) as of today, to try to “set a specific time or meeting place to see the unseen”.  I try to do that a lot but it doesn’t seem to work pretty well. Especially when running out of gas in an airplane looking all over the clouds for godly signs when all those signs can also be found right here in earth… Each one of us happens to be a temple of His Spirit. As a matter of fact, any of us can be a temple for many spirits; it’s a matter of choice, discipline, and forced education because that doesn’t seem to come naturally to me.


I’m getting hungry now. There is a sign of Taco Bell down the road. I love strong binoculars.

I love guacamole.


Let’s see. National Airport. This is N6471Alpha jet-prop at 24,000 feet, heading East, starting descent, heading home 50 miles West of outer marker, coming in for landing, requesting priority permission, over… over? …. Hey! Are you ignoring me up here? Uppsss I forgot where the radio button is… let me see…” I’m thinking in too many things at the same time. My RAM got congested thinking about the guacamole in the Taco Bell Soft Tacos while navigating this airplane, and that is why it doesn’t want to answer to my questions. I must flush my ram memory and start all over again. I will force myself into thinking in finding where my radio button is…”Focus, Julio”… yep… Clear up! Think hard! Mental checklist? Cool… Now! …Radio button…Ok… Noooww my ram memory flushed all previous garbage and works fine and dandy again…here it is… radio button found… Maybe they will hear me this time…. (Calling again now)… click click, brulzzztpt! ZZZZzzzzzptlpt! (Static noise)(Call done).

(Don’t panic. This an FAA approved mental exercise.)

And so they did heard me this time… they gave me the area traffic and landing sequence. “71Alpha jet-prop, this is National Airport Tower, you are cleared for a straight in approach to runway 90, descend to 1,500, maintain 600 in the traffic area, wind 090 degrees at 15, altimeter setting 29.98, you make number 12 to land… Over?” (That’s them.)

(This is me again) “National Airport Tower, this is 71Alpha jet-prop… Roger”.

I finally landed the aircraft and became a humbler person afterwards. Everything seems to be run by the Force of some principalities of space. They made the rules centuries ago. There is no need to argue with those forces. They seem to know what they do, or what they did for us to follow so we avoid costly or deadly mistakes. Sometimes, those big principalities of space are better to be left alone. Anyway, while they never seem to want to show up on time when “we” make the calls, we do have an appointment to see them one day. It’s just a matter of time before we can get there, I guess. I also have a power of choice (thanks God). I can use my power of choice for my own benefit or for my own destruction, at the pleasure of my mind. I might even have power of choice over the commands coming from those almost inaudible “inner voices, ideas, suggestions, vague apprehensions” we all seem to have inside and called by some the Ego, Super-Ego and the It. They all seem to “talk” to us but only when they want.

 But, why do all this has to do with growing up, aging, mind processes and lost or inoperative “inner voices”?

 Simple… what we can’t see, hear, smell, or touch, at least, its definition and concept resides in our brains. Call it knowledge, faith, or math, it can only be “processed” (understood) as we think of “it” or visualize “it” in our upper compartments. Concepts can be real although they can also be so unreal as the inexistent. This is how a music composer manages to create something out of the “nowhere”. Visualizing concepts and ideas brings them into the “real time’ existence. For better or worst, this is how our mind works as of today’s date and time.


 Who is this book for?

If you are a newborn baby this book will help you to better understand your funky parents.


If you are at the age when parent’s counseling stinks,

then this book might sometimes be for you.


If you are a pro-rapper this book is definitely for you.


If you are above 25 this book is

Definitely For You And Me.

If you are in your 30’s, 40. 50’s then it all depends in who you boss is.

But hey, he might also be reading this book.

If you are 60 or above this is your guide to

Aging Gracefully. 

And for the rest of us it just might be that this book could be a source of learning how our memory can be better understood and properly used at any age, and to finally understand how our

Direct Front Line


work even when they seem not to want to work








In Memoriam


 My good old days of younger innocence



This book is specially dedicated to


Gustavo I, Catalina, Gustavo II, Laura Evelina,

Gustavo III (Gustavito), Rosarito,

Laurita, Jeannette, Julio Enrique, Julio Cesar,

US Navy LT Edward (Eddie) David,

Julianne Marie,

Julio Javier, Ana Maria, Carmen Julia, Felix, Kristina, and Elizabeth,

Carmen Luisa, Maria Elena,

Fedora, Raquel, Cari, Celeste, Chappy, and Cornelia

Verónica, Corali del Mar, Robertito






Table Of Contents


The magic of computers allows us now to hyperlink indexes.

There is no need to scroll anymore to find a selected topic.

Got it? Yes? No?

If yes, keep reading. If nop, then click here:

(CD Book Edition hyperlinks to contents on mouse clicks)

Introduction                                                                    i

Cover Page                                                                    1

Copyright and Print Information                                      4                                                 

Acknowledgements                                                        5

A Pilot’s Poem                                                               7

Who Is This Book For?                                                   9

In Memoriam To                                                           10

Table of Contents                                             11 – 12-13

Thanks to the Following Sponsors                                 14
The Constant Universe                                                 20

Spirits Know Each Other Since Eternity                         24

What We Learn, We Cannot Unlearn                             27

Another reason to make brain residing gods                   34

The 666, The Profiler, Uses The Internet                        17

Infinite Intelligence                                                       38

Computers                                                                  39

Serenity Prayer                                                           45

About permanent memory now…                                  47

When did my system start to age?                               49

There Will Always Be A Hater And A Hated                  51

To Do When Everything Else Fails                               57

Testing All Coconuts and Papayas                               58

Are we all in the same boat?                                        59

About the Bees and the Birds                                       60

Besides                                                                      65

Because Stress Tends To Age Me                                67          

Ultimate destination?                                                   44

See A Pattern Yet?                                                      71




Freud was wrong in most things except in this:              74

Only five percent of the world’s population succeeds      75

An Insane Asylum In France                                        76

Those Desires Of The heart                                          81

A prayer starts out as a conversation
with our own mind…

I Begged A Friend…                                                   85

Caught In A Rip Tide To Eternity                                 86

The Americans Disabled Agency of America                89

What not to do…                                                       92

What’s Good To Do…                                                93

A Funky Evil Eyed Doctor…                                       94

Not medically biased…                                              96

Check this cancer calendar:                                       97

Trading goodies…                                                     98

My doctor is a diplomat…                                        100

Symptomania….                                                     101

Our Duality? I thought we were trio                       103

Those Two Masks                                                  103

As any good CEO…                                               104

I Have Come Of Age                                               105

Welcome to a Place                                               106

I know What I Need                                                108

Virtues and Limitations…                                         110

He never said:  “You are getting old”                          111

Safety Cometh First                                                 113

Doctors On My Mind                                                115

The Stupid Garden Again                                          116

Excuse me?                                                            117

A New Generation Of Branded People                        119

Infinite Intelligence, The Maker                                  121

The Micro Hard Truth…                                             121

The Mark of the Beast…                                           123

The Day Shall Come When All Will Be Written            124

A State of Mind…                                                     125

A Piece of Advice…                                                  127




Best Shows Are In Total Solitude                              128

Art is a Gift

from God to Himself…                                              128

God Don’t Have To Make New Laws                          129

Starting The RAM Module                                        130

Resist It And It Shall Flee                                         131

What I Learn I Cannot Unlearn                                  133

Science Vs. Superstition                                            135

Witchcraft?                                                               136

And, So, On And On                                                  137

Guilt                                                                         113

Now We Have Some Tools                                         139

Flushing A Busy Day Away                                       144

It is safe to rest and sleep…                                      144

I Love to Study Dimensions                                       146

Let’s Multitask For Fun Now                                      147

How About resolving 300 Problems

At The Same Time?                                                  148

Can bills make you age prematurely?                         151

Knock Knock…                                                        151

What is the point of this book?                                  153

I don’t know about you…                                          155

Crime starts when the disadvantaged

is not helped enough…                                             161






Thanks to the Sponsors

That helped to make this book possible:

Testing, Testing…


Many people sometimes relate the issue of not getting as many answers from their mindsets with getting old and funky. While it is true that some people seem to have problems with their minds, especially those hit by flying hammers or fallen from a bridge, a lot of young people also complain of the same situation with their upper systems with no visible physical damage to their brains. Most of the time this lack of mental communication with self is due to not using the mind properly... This is the greatest arena of musical composers, intellectuals, artists, and poets. They must learn how to navigate in those treacherous mental lagoons or sink in despair and oblivion. Then, to make it worst, some put anesthesia into their coconuts with alcohol or drugs and then their complete mental systems shut off, sometimes bringing moments of true terror for themselves, their friends and families. In the search for an unregulated euphoric type of time it is very possible to completely shut down our mental stations off the air for quite long periods of time. The happy side is that it is possible to come out of those deep depressions and become alert and creative again. “Thou shall not worry,” means now that it is imperative to have a happy relationship with our mind in order to produce creative results in all we do, and even in the things we chose not to do. This will require discipline and an understanding of how the mind works, at least for creative people like musicians, composers, and producers of art in any form.

“If I could talk again to my inner voices constantly like when I was younger I would be happy”, a friend confided me. “I used to get answers from my mind to most of my problems then but now I can not and that angers me to the point of desperation in times of serious needs”, he continued (alcohol, drugs, violent rides, music, verbal bullshit, entertainment, and sex shut off the mind for a while... we quickly come to learn that as we Age Gracefully. Feasting in any of those delicatecies lately?).


The old adage that says: ”You are alive as long as you move”, is out of fashion now. System Reflex Movements are not enough nowadays to impress a court regarding the removal of your last feeding tubes. Husbands and wives can now fight to merci-kill their spouse in legal battles with very good chances in winning. Now you must be able to do the “Macarena” in front of the whole Sunday congregation to prove you are able to be alive and cooking good. Aging gracefully is not supposed to slow your mental potentials either. The mind of Einstein was running better during his last days than never before. If you still don’t know how wise and old people believe you are  (Read: after 25…) try chanting this stupid little song right before or after wake up time:

Try it like in a slow tempo Cha-Cha-Cha …

Go a One, a Two, a Three… and:

(Really loud now)

“Mirror, mirror in the wall…

Oh please tell me…

Hear my call…

Am I still the most enchanting?

Am I still the best good looking?

Or ... am I just acting stupid?

Could I have a fucked up mind?”

(Stop chanting now and ask the mirror:)

“Do I really look old to you?“ ”How old do I look to you?”

“Don’t lie to me now.”  “I mean, I can’t think but that has nothing to do with age. Or does it?”

If you hear a roaring “Yeee-haaaaw!” on the background it might be that you left your bathroom door open and your wife and kids are laughing their bellies out at your honest attempts to reach the answer to what you need to know in order to better modify or balance your personal presentation of yourself to others. Don’t we always know if the answer is correct? How come? What or who corroborates “us” about the certainty of our own mental data? This is one of the reasons I chose to write this book. I found out that the “validator” of our mind broadcasts resides inside our system permanently. “It” will always be there. Let’s tap into that very intelligent source now. We used to do it before, why not now? Let’s hope he’s (that’s?) not too busy. I love to get too busy at times and can’t “hear” what I need to hear and get mad with myself. But, don’t we all do it (getting so busy that we can’t even “hear” our own mind) in very similar ways? I was told we all do, even when we don’t want to we go ahead and saturate our minds to the limits.


The reason for this test is to prove that since the days of bronze and glory we do need to outsource our information needs (find information elsewhere) when our mind or our inner voices don’t want to “talk” to us. We know for sure that those “things” could come out and talk all day but only when “they” want to, and very seldom when we invoke “them”. We felt so powerless and angry when that happened. I sometimes feel that my mind has a life of its own and wants nothing to do with my needs. Sometimes I believe it has become an enemy of sorts. It feels so depressing not to be able to “extract” the correct answers from our mind when we want it the most. This is a “normal” happening when we are drinking or drugging, but what happens when we are sober and seemly fit to endure whatever comes our way but our minds still do not want to respond to each and every question we “send” “there” to be processed?

Why do we have to ask a mirror or anyone else when we have our own minds to talk to and get counsel from?

Isn’t that why consultants exist? To ask them what we don’t know or what we don’t want to take time to find about?

Yes and no seems to be a paradoxical and ambivalent answer.

The answer is simple. Because our front line memory systems (ram-mind) will not respond at times of despair if it is too busy, forcing us to seek for information outside our own systems. And what in this planet tells us that those “other” systems are better than ours? Just because that bitch we call our mind don’t want to talk to us when we want? Don’t we own our mind or what? If we own our cerebellum then that “thing” must talk to us when we want it, and I mean 24/7/365. Or not? No, no and no if it is trying to process more data than what it was designed to process at one single time in eternity or if it is forced to relax by any of the kinky methods already herein explained... Ram-memory does not have unlimited processing capabilities. The internal and permanent memory systems located in the base and cortex of the brain maybe has a quasi infinite potential of storage according to the expected amount of time a human being will live and according to what that human specimen will be able to “capture” with his/her sensory systems and record in the brain. Let's say that a "normal" mind is designed to hold about 100 years of usable information recorded by the chemical actions of our electrolitic liquids in the shitty mass we have inside our skull (cortex and base sections of the brain) at a rate of well over 3 megapixels per second (better than a porno camera eh?). Ram-memory or the “conscious” (Browser/Monitor/Visualizer) runs fast and will try to “get” all or most of the data bits burned all over the brain in a split second but only to a certain limit. The conscious has been tested to be able to process no more that seven (7) ideas at the same time. Some musical composers are able to force the ram-memory into “hearing” or internally “visualizing” more than seven harmonic voices at the same time, but only a few will be able to process all that incoming data from an orchestra in real time. Music is written with no more than four parts of harmony at any single time, and then, just a few on the audience will ever be able to “whistle” those harmonic lines in separate lines of expression (playback by ear one by one those separate parts of harmony). Only the giant minds of some great composers have been able to accomplish such feats of mind power and front line memory.

How can we force our mind to answer each one and all of our requests for information, counseling and support?

How is the mind supposed to be used anyway?

Let’s go through a standard daily situation to research the issue.

Someone tells us one day while driving out on the road:

“You are a fucking old fart! “Don’t you know what to do anymore?” …“Hey! Don’t you dare say that bad word again!”,

I repost. ” I though I heard you all mentioning something nasty about me getting old… What do you have to do with my aging gracefully anyway?” “I mean, what is age anyway?“

“My aging is my business and no one else’s.”


“I am still the same charming and very strong tiger…grrrrr!”

For no money in the world, let you dare to do this at work.

Meditation is always better in a closed environment.

A locked bathroom is a pretty true temple of meditation.

“Am I really getting old?” “Or did I get really old already?” What am I doing different than before for all those new girls at work not only refusing to date this old tiger, but they also seem to be ignoring me; what a nerve they have.

“I am starting to feel really old…” I mean; this is bullshit.

(Keep staring at the mirror). Some “little voice” from within your “insides” should now quickly surface and let you know if you are still within recoverable conditions. This is your conscious (RAM) talking to yourself after having scanned your entire brain base and cortex mass for related data bits, bypassing or ignoring any unrelated data, assembling a usable file in logical sequences and presenting you a relative answer about what you asked for.

If no “voice” comes out now it probably is due to the fact that you put it to “sleep” either with sex, alcohol, drugs or by the dynamic displacement of violent entertainment rides. In this case just wait some time (sometimes it takes years) and you will recover (except if you “killed” your thinking apparatus) if you don’t have a wet brain or short-circuited system caused by too much alcohol, drugs, or unregulated sex. Violent rides in attraction parks or their internal visualizations do not seem to do too much damage to the brain except in the most psychotic or crack addicted imbeciles.

In reality you already know all the possible ways to combine whatever data you might have “available” because you yourself stored all those data bits in your own brain during all those years of aging gracefully since you were born either via your sensory systems or via embedded genetic information programs in codified formats.

You might even already know all about the universe and beyond.  A mini-god creature of the universe you might be, or at least a very powerful thinking monster, depending in your ability to perceive idealizations and conceptual understandings of the Great Scriptures. Powerful minds were first chosen as channels of Universal Information for the rest of us mediocre thinking children to use or not use, believe or not believe. We all have a power of choice embedded in our mental papayas. The problem now is to be able to “get” this “data” “back” from permanent storage into the front line memory where we perceive things and make mental visualizations of ideas. In order to be able to process any idea we must always get permanent data into usable information out of the brain mental archives where it reside in the form of genetic programs, embedded information and other forms of memory storage we all seem to posses since even well before conception or birth. Those processes happen at the bio-light speed of our creational evolution developmental potentials, ever increasing with practice and discipline.


The Constant Universe … of Julio Quiñones:

Mental “hardware” modules specialized in different uses exists to process different bio-programs such as power of choice or instinctual reflexes. Mental “software” modules also exist in the form of genetically embedded “programs” found in each of our cells and researchers are making great advances in the understanding and de-codification of the human genome.

Genetic “Firmware” is a set of “programs” set to auto-run at the “triggering” of “impulses” from either the “inner system” or from the “outside world” (one day we will come to accept they are the same thing as we live in a constant universe) and they run at incredible speeds even bypassing the front line memory ram-memory (conscious) and do quasi magical works. Those are the “helpers”. The arena used by our “guardian angels” to alert us of impending dangers, the possibility of reproduction, the urge to eat, and the need to feel accepted by others so we can confirm we are right or wrong and properly adapt to ‘the group” or become dissidents, at sheer will or desire power. The inner world and the outer world becomes then one big place to be. The Constant Universe is where all exists. Nothing ever ceases to exist. Everything just transfers (changes). That is the constant of the universe. Punto.

Welcome to the ever-existing universe of a main source of energy, intelligence, and power to use that ever-increasing intelligence. Dimensional Perspectives of Existence are not the only possible places and destinations within the Theories of The Everything (Quantum paradox?), but might also be the only valid reality in the multi-choice options we all have now.


Am I having flashbacks from Plato’s denial of the existence? No. By having a One Source of Everything, I can compute easier and faster than having to compute infinite variables of the unknown. My mental processors get pretty hot if I try to over-use them too much. The day when we all can network minds into one huge thinking monster, we will be able to not only compute the surreal but we will be able to engage in mental games of the utmost craziness and infinite variables (name this Chaos, will ‘ya?) But still then, my One Source of the Constant Universe will be The Master of Chaos because He (It) created it in the first place. We all seem to come from that source, remember? No? (I hope I did) Then where do we come from? When the un-constant becomes constant, even seemly a constant chaos, it is still a constant variable and it is computable. That serves me well for my understanding purposes. Thanks God I can compute the constant. Otherwise I would be fishing today and not writing about constant universes and existential matters. Let’s make a fiesta to celebrate the fact that we can convert any chaos situation into a constant visualization (pre-computing) of “The Everything”, even if it seems to be an infinite variable (becoming another constant of variables, thus computable) and try a fix into the problem either as a whole or as an attempt into “visiting” isolated issues. This could be the future way to diagnose diseases, pass judgments, and do many other things that take too much of our time away from cooking or fishing.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could have a Guru 24/7 on-call to give us all the answers we ever need in life?

Is this the main reason most people have to visit spiritual mediums, witch doctors, and Madame Voodoo?


Has the church gone too “passive” to better serve its audience? Why has the church condemned those spiritual practices? Could it be because it is hard to confirm the legitimate spirits from the ilegits in a simple voodoo type of ceremony run by uneducated witch doctors? Can the educated theologians better see the spirits? Do spirits exist as such? If theologians avoid spirits how can they fight them if they need to do so? Spirits need to be fought? If you ask me I prefer to leave them alone. I am not in the Ghost Busters casting. The veracity and validity of the “visiting spirits” is hard to be guaranteed as they (“spirits”) seem to appear invisible and most always through the mediums or spiritists. Theologians are better mediums than witch doctors? Who gave them these powers? Can I get them too? Simon asked Peter for those powers but was instantly rebuked because of the use Simon was going to do out of the powers.

People used to decipher dreams so the kings could use the intelligence for the benefit of the kingdom. Moses played games with the ancient witch doctors and changed a stick into a serpent. Who has the power to conclude that only “some” can have powers and others not?

In a Constant Universe we all are supposed to have all the wisdom and knowledge embedded in our inner systems since the day of conception. By the time we are born we are all educated in all we need to know about the survival of the species. Genetic programs do this and more.

The day of conception is the day a life form starts as we use it here on this planet. Like in the making of a god, when the sum of all happenings of the universe builds up a Master, the date of impregnation marks the sacred event of the making of a “new” person. But the moment of conception is the greatest day for humanity and for the survival of the human specie. It is the moment when all the wisdom, rules, regulations, and genetic instructions are captured in a human form. A “true spirit” with cosmic name and everything it includes merges with all other Universal Cosmic Forces and forms his very own and unique “intelligent machine”. That body will be the place of residence, the temple of the spirit, and the temple for other visiting spirits, for the next hundred years or so, or until the spirit decides the machine serves no further useful purpose and “leaves” its flexible (sometimes) carbon based human machine to rot into dust. 


Be it understood that my definition of a spirit is: Impulse or Desire. I do not argue the existence of ghosts, angels, or demons. I am not a spiritist. They can exist as energy forms or just in comic books. What I do know is that if one of those spirits kills me or scare me to death I will not be able to be killed twice and I will fight the daylights of that other spirit once I reach heaven or hell. I also know I will never be tempted harder than what I can take. I have the power to say yes or no to any impulse or desire. What some call a demonic possession would only send me to hell and again and again, I could fight the rest of eternity with whoever cannot kill me anymore. Equals don’t make a winning. We must be really funky creatures for all those cosmic powers and principalities of space to bother with us 24/7.  Why do we like to think they like to be all day long messing with us? I don’t know. Do we want to have all that 24/7 time to mess with spirits? Not me. I’d rather go fishing. I think that those spiritual laws, rules, and regulations were written by the “Verb” centuries of ages ago and it is up to us now to either accept such laws like cause and effect or gravity or fall from the heights if we dare not to follow the rules of the house.

This is a clean age, dude. Welcome to peace and relaxation. There is not one single dinosaur waiting to eat you today at the bend of the corner. Maybe a mugger or a drug addict is waiting for next unprepared sucker but certainly times have changed. The sizes of dangers are now nuclear explosions or house burglaries or creditors calling on you all day long. It was a shame I lost paradise by eating of the tree of knowledge. I still think it was better back then with dinosaurs and troglodytes roaming your backyard. Or maybe this whole thing balances like in a Constant Universe. Take a danger out; bring a new one in; it might be all cosmic routine. This is why I think even chaos has an order in my constant universe. But we are talking in here about things. Material things like bodies and machines. The spirit is truly free and it can live with no “outside” interference. True, spirits do get sad, depressed and anxious, when other spirits living in similar human machines abandon friendships or do other bad things. But the most one spirit can do to another is to affect the machine, not the spirit itself. Spirits are eternal. Spirits reside in the fabric of the universe itself. That fabric or essence of the universe is part of the “energy field” of The Maker, where everything else exists.


Spirits Know Each Other Since Eternity

(winflyer 1963).

Spirits recognize other spirits inside other human bodies as recorded

in most great scriptural books.

Spirits “talk” through sensorial perceptions and other telepathically applied

methods of communication.

Our body can communicate with other bodies by body language and other extra sensorial broadcasts and receptions independent of any verbal applications.

Our body emits signals that electronic devices can receive

(See lie detectors, electrocardiograms and other methods).

Our body is the machine of the spirit and the spirit becomes one

of the many minds of the body.

The spirit can “talk” or communicate with our mind via low volume impulses barely “felt” but surely understood at times.

Inside our body the spirit sends commands at will thorough all mind modules located

at any part of the body.

We have the power of choice over any command coming out of our many mind modules.

We have many different usable mind modules.

Spirits are made out of energy

(I AM, Jesus, Buda, Gandhi, Mahoma, Ala, Yahweh 4,000BC).

They seem to enter dimensions and existential realms at will.


Always existed.

Cannot be made.

It just forms by “Itself” or doesn’t come to exist at all.

“It” existed since “It” started to be energy.

I don’t know if Energy will last forever but one thing I do know;

It cannot be destroyed.

Energy can be changed into other forms of energy.

When “Energy” seems to dissipate, it is just changing into a different state of “Form”.

“Energy” is “The I Am”

The “I Am’ is Energy is Spirit Form.

The Glory of God is Energy. So strong that if someone “sees “It”

Will go blind or worst… have you ever looked into a welding flare?

Maybe that is just what happened to Saul of Tarsus (St. Paul).

Imagine now looking into a nuclear explosion at fifty feet with or without welding lenses. 

Cosmic things and beings, assuming there are energy beings at all, like, I mean, intelligent forms of cosmic life like spirits and angels and demons, made out of energy can be transferred as recorded many times in history. I mean, changed into something else, maybe even they can be sublimated (bypassing known steps) into other forms, but cannot be killed or destroyed. Because energy cannot be created, spirits must be “part” of the Master Energy Form, “Its” expression, or an expression of “His” existence, like angels or demons or else. Maybe that is why most scriptures call us “My Creatures”. If my seriously inspired assertions ever become true in this dimension of existence, then I am immortal in spirit form. I shall not fear my back and forth transfers (resurrections of the spirits) when they happen, if they ever happen. Amen.


If God ever had a start it was then the sum of all happenings of the entire universe that “gravitated” together to form what is now known as

“The Master Form of Existential Energy!”

“It” was not created because Energy always existed as such. The most that could have happened out of the Bible is that God formed out of the “always existing”

fields and dynamics of the universe…

Remember that Energy projects as ever existing “forms” but always “part” of the “Main Form”.

If this is true, then my God is much bigger, understandable, communicable through many different channels of expression, and more powerful than all the religious gods put together. 

Spiritual energy forms (spirits, angels, demons) cannot be further killed or destroyed (by now), not because ‘they” are already “dead” but because they have a different existential state of life that does not need death to transfer states of existence. Only bio-life needs to die in order to transfer states of existence. This is exactly why the spirits inside those pigs in Jesus times “asked” The Master to let them fall from the cliff so they could biologically die and their spirits be “released” back into the cosmic environment where all spirits thrive. This is why Jesus said, you cannot kill me for I come from the Spirit and I shall return to the Spirit. This is why many heroes of all times go ahead and face death with pride. There is nothing worthwhile in this world compared to eternity in space (see NASA brochures and photos). When I die I would love to visit all the planets one by one and spend time on each one. Travel space for free. Wow!

Why should I take the time after I die to come back to this environmental dumpster to become a bad ghost and haunt my creditors or enemies? They all have spirits too and will see me one day up there… well… could be down there too, let’s see… It could take three days for my brain to start rotting and release my spirit. During this time it is difficult for anyone to see me because I am still not “completely out” of my body. Then forty days more for my body to release whatever “energy” it has left so I can ascend freely. During this time I could be seen as recorded in history, assuming none of the authors was on crack at the time to edit and publish. Too much to do for not too good promises for me down here. Hey, I am not a savior. I am not even an anti-Christ. I am just someone who “saw” what’s upstairs while in a cancer bed and asked for a little more of a life time in order to write about what I saw and the experiences I went through. By the way, Jesus did come a second time. Three days after His death. And He said to all: The Kingdom of God has just started. If He comes a third time I will welcome Him, of course, but by now, all the scriptures are done and cooking towards the end of all things. According to my navigational experience we might be in the Rapture now, waiting for the sun to turn red and the stars to fall out of the sky. Andromeda galaxy is crashing right now with another celestial body and the resultant course for all that nuclear debris seems to be heading towards our Milky Way. Govern yourself accordingly. Don’t quit you job yet. The date for any crash with our system is scheduled for the year 2,832 at lunchtime, according to my pencil and paper calculation in Dead Reckoning Visual Flight Rules Format, and my faithful old computer.

Is there a down there? What is the up there? It looks all so complicated and scary heh? Well, I was a pilot for many years and I used to think in all those things when I was up there in space and it became an obsession for me to do research and find out as much as I could about the “up there” and “down here”. Part of the goals of this book is that you can use some of the things I found by serious research and fact-findings, but you can throw away those things that might bring mental turbulence to your brains. Let’s fasten seat belts and continue reading for more…

The best that can happen now is a forced ram-memory flush produced either by anger or surprise and that is an accomplishment in any league. That is my only real goal in here. To be able to produce enjoyment and peace of mind as the result of memory flushes of all kinds and to leave with you the method I use to compose, write, get inspired, and help others to think better.

Please pass it forward and your pleasure will be complete to enjoy forever and ever, amen.

The first thing I did after finding the first few facts of life was to renounce to all kinds of worldly religious fanatism as such and embrace the idea of a Great Maker, an I Am, willing to communicate and inspire all either directly and indirectly via its own creational evolution glories.

Research also taught me not to fear or worry too much about the “bad” principalities of space for they could only hurt my body (assuming all is not El Toro Caca (bullshit)) but not my spirit (assuming I have such a thing). As a matter of fact, causing my body to fall will cause to release my spirit into the glory of the universe and back to the Maker.

Wasn’t that what Jesus preached so much about?


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