Aging Gracefully

About Me
Aging Gracefully Pages 26 to 50
Aging Gracefully Pages 51 to 76
Aging Gracefully Pages 77 to 101
Aging Gracefully Pages 101 to 125
Aging Gracefully Pages 126 to 150
Aging Gracefully Pages 151 to 170
About Me
Favorite Links
Contact Me

This is the page where I'll describe myself in more detail.

I might talk about how old I am, what I look like, and what I do for a living. (I'll try to be truthful!)
Ok, I do research. I like to study possibilities and potentials.
For a living I just breath, blink, and feel, sometimes at a hard pace and great efforts. I am a music composer and jazz/fusion grand piano performer.
I was born in July 20th, 1944 in Puerto Rico. I became a commercial aviation multi-engine pilot at an early age. I also entered the field of experimental aircraft and pulse jet engines design. My first computer was a Texas Instrument Sears sold DOS Laptop like machine way back in 1976 I think. Today I run 12 server machines and own the domain. I started WJEQ English Station and WJEQ - La Presumida Spanish Internet Radio, the first Internet Radio Stations in the Florida Space Coast of the United States of America. I also own the domain, where I am starting to interact with disabled people with the hope to be able to help one day to better our benefits and services. Everyone will be disabled one day, if we don't die first. I love to help others. I learn a lot doing this.

I might also include some information about my personal history: where I grew up, where I went to school, various places I've lived. If I have one, I'll include a picture of myself engaging in an activity I enjoy, such as a sport or hobby.

Taking a break from work

What a job!

I might describe my job in a little more detail here. I'll write about what I do, what I like best about it, and even some of the frustrations. (A job with frustrations? Hard to believe, huh?)


The Net, with Sandra Bullock
Swordfish with John Travolta

Here's a list of some of my favorite music:

Pegassus (My Jazz Band)